Results after Ridgway Pain & Injury Process
Below are typical examples of results.
It is important to note that individual results vary, for example depending on the complexity of the problem, frequency of booking and experience of the RM Member applying the process.
Quadricep Muscle Tear
On a Friday evening, Tania (above and below) had a fall down stairs, outside in the dark and landed heavily, severely crunching her left knee. She was in extreme pain, suffering a quadriceps muscle tear (grade 2) and patellofemoral joint strain, her knee swelled immediately and was Tania was unable to walk without crutches.
Tania went through the process the following Monday morning, unable to bend her knee much and not able to stand on that leg. Tania was concerned about a trip to Sydney with her daughters which would involve a lot of stairs and walking hills.
8 days and 5 appointments later, Tania could put full weight on the leg and bend down a small amount without pain. Tania’s shin turned a dull purple by this time as the internal blood from the injury tracked down her shin under the skin–evidence of the extent of the muscle tear.
After 2 weeks and a total of 8 appointments, Tania had no knee pain and could squat and bend her knee fully. She went to Sydney the next day and had no pain and no problems in Sydney and fully enjoyed the time with her daughters.
Calf Muscle Tear
Jocelyn (above) limped into Youngify 9 days after suffering a 42 x 22mm tear in her left calf muscle (shown on ultrasound), she was in a lot of pain and struggling to stand on her leg.
She was worried about this being a long-term injury and that it would mean having to avoid exercise, healthy activity and other things she enjoyed in life. At her first appointment, Jocelyn couldn't stand on her left leg, lift her heel off the ground or stretch her calf behind her.
Her goal was to be able to walk without a limp, climb stairs again and to exercise pain-free and to have no long-term damage or weakness. Jocelyn attended daily appointments initially and 14 days later Jocelyn walked with no limp, did calf raises without pain, was able to climb stairs with no pain and exercise fully, and she remains that way months later.
Hip & leg weakness and back pain
Denise asked what the causes of these issues were, and why strengthening the hip with previous practitioners hadn't worked to make the hip stronger, or to relieve her back pain.
When we test muscle weakness in a client, we’ve found that in nearly all cases where pain or injury are involved, the weakness is because of muscle INHIBITION, and NOT a lack of strengthening.
During Denise’s appointment, we released strain to the Main Problem in this client's body. By the end of the appointment, Denise could lift her leg with full strength and no pain. The images below show what this looked like. This improvement was long-lasting.
What is muscle inhibition? And why was the inhibition there in the first place? Inhibition occurs when the nervous system sends too few electrical signals to the muscles. As a result, the muscles do not contract hard enough to provide the force required, in this case, to lift the leg. Inhibition is one of the nervous system’s ways of protecting against strain in our bodies.
The good news is that when the strain has been released the strength immediately returns. When I say immediately, I mean within 300 milliseconds (to be technical!). The strength returns rapidly because as soon as the nervous system has less reason to protect, it starts sending more electrical signals to contract the muscle, thus providing more force (to lift the leg in this case).
This release also improved the back pain at the same time in that appointment.
Acute Back Pain
Richard was left uncomfortable and suffering after he had felt sudden extreme back pain following an uneventful day of gardening. This was another flare up of his recurrent back pain, which had stopped him from being able to play tennis for years and left him frustrated that he was unable to do everything he enjoyed in life. The day after this flare he went through the process, and 15 days later he was pain free and back to gardening, going to Personal Training and playing tennis without pain. More than 6 months later Richard is still pain-free and is now able to do everything he wants in life.
Nerve & shoulder pain
Wim had been struggling with shoulder and arm nerve pain for a year. He had tried multiple practitioners including physiotherapists with no success and was in so much pain he couldn’t sit still and wriggled constantly in an attempt to find relief.
The pain interfered with his work, cycling and everyday life.
After 10 days of going through the process, he was pain-free and back to being able to enjoy his healthy activities.
More than a year later Wim remains pain-free.
Hamstring Muscle Tear
Joy suffered severe hamstring pain following squats during her morning outdoor exercise routine.
She had to drag her leg and limp home that morning.
Joy tried her local physio for 2 weeks without much improvement and decide to try this process.
Joy limped to the start of the first appointment and had significant improvement and walked out on the first day without a limp.
19 days later Joy was walking pain-free and 10 days following that she was doing all her exercises pain-free.
Neck, shoulder & migraine pain
Drew was fed up and tired of his chronic shoulder and neck pain and the migraines it caused. He had put up with frequent and recurring pain for years, and was sick of it putting him out of action and interrupting his work and everyday life.
Drew had seen other practitioners in the past but could only get relief and improvements that lasted 1-2 days. He tried this process after hearing about us from a family member, and within 6 DAYS his headache frequency and intensity had decreased by 90% and he was able to get back to life without the constant fear and anticipation of another migraine. Many months later and Drew is still enjoying these results.
Acute back pain
Luke came in limping and all bent over. He had severe back pain following a gym workout and hadn’t been able to get out of bed the days prior. 18 days after his first session he was pain-free and able to start back at training.
Luke had repeated back pain over the years and, as an educator and health practitioner, he was sceptical about how much help we could provide. More than 8 months later Luke is pain-free, training and able to do all his healthy activities.
Trunk and leg pain
Jackie was in pain throughout her trunk and legs and struggling to push through work and training for multiple years. She had big goals for long-distance open-water swimming but was frustrated by being limited due to pain and physical restrictions.
Jackie had seen multiple practitioners with varying results but no long-term solution.
The images above show Jackie’s improvements which started happening during the first appointment.
Within 2 weeks, with this process, we were able to help Jackie become mostly pain-free and able to extend herself with training and be more productive with work.
Jackie was able to achieve her long-distance swimming goals and more than a year later Jackie is maintaining her improvements.
Chronic back pain
When we met Kate she was struggling and frustrated, she loved going to the gym and working out, but a long history of pain in her lower back, hip and down her leg, was preventing her from training.
Kate had tried many different practitioners but none had been able to help, so when her personal trainer told her about this process and our different approach she decided to give it a try.
Within 12 DAYS, Kate was pain-free and able to move better than she had in years. Now back at the gym she is able to train to her full potential and is learning how to look after herself, and not reaccumulate strain.